Nutrition is the foundation for authentic well-being.


Discover your most authentic sense of well-being with nutritional counseling customized to your needs. 

Food isn’t the enemy that diet culture makes it out to be, and nutrition shouldn’t be about control. 

You can have a relationship with food that allows you to thrive. At Melainie Rogers Nutrition (MRN), discover how nutrition can be the foundation for authentic well-being. 


Our philosophy is to provide nonjudgmental treatment that guides you toward a more neutral relationship with food and your body.


Uncover the joy of authentic well-being.


The team of registered dietitians at Melainie Rogers Nutrition provide 1:1, anti-diet, Health At Every Size-informed, and intuitive eating-aligned nutrition counseling and meal support.

This means we create a safe, stigma-free environment for you to heal and flourish. 

Integrate your journey to well-being in your everyday life with Melainie Rogers Nutrition.

Nourish yourself from a place of compassion instead of control, and learn to use your innate wisdom as your guide with MRN Nutritional Counseling.


Experience the power of intuitively-balanced eating and nutrition.

Your needs are at the forefront of every session with our highly individualized approach to nutrition. 

During our counseling sessions, we explore a broad range of topics, including food, stress management, sleep, movement, boundary setting, interpersonal dynamics, and more. 


Join our Nutritional Counseling Program for

  • Confidence in your food choices 

  • Rediscovering the joy of food 

  • Reconnecting to your hunger and fullness cues 

  • Managing overeating/under-eating tendencies

  • Finding your natural weight balance

  • Developing restaurant eating techniques

  • Discovering a sense of well-being and nutritional equilibrium 

  • Exploring a holistic understanding of nutrition with an

    All Foods Fit Model


Whether you love to cook or live exclusively on takeout, we can develop a program that works with your lifestyle. 

Redefine your connection to food and vitality with MRN Masters-level clinicians.